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Frequently Asked Questions
Individuals will be able to register, certainly, however the work within the Suite will be more rewarding to those who undertake it together in school teams, network leadership groups, etc. Registrants can learn in Cohorts which could be comprised of people from the same school, network, system and many others as well. Individuals participants will enter their information into the Members Profile area and may opt to work with others in similar school profiles to optimize the learning potential for everyone.
The registration fee for individuals or groups up to 5 people is $AUD 990 plus GST per person for each person up to 5.
Registration for groups of 6 to 10 people from the same school or network is $AUD 920 plus GST per person, for each person in the entire group up to 10.
Registration for groups of 11 to 20 people from the same school or network is $AUD875 per person plus GST, for each person in the entire group up to 20.
Registration for groups of 21 to 50 people from the same school or network is $AUD845 per person plus GST, for each person in the entire group up to 50.
Registration for groups of 51 to 200 people from the same school or network is $AUD845 per person x 50 + $750 per additional person plus GST.
Registration for groups of 201+ people from the same school or network is $AUD700 per additional person above the 200 person pricing above, plus GST.
You can register at any time that suits you.
CLS is for everyone from first year teacher to system director. CLS is a whole system, network, and school approach; leadership teams in schools, networks and systems are encouraged to sign up.
Everyone has a leadership role at some time at some level. Everyone has a teaching role at some time during their current position role. Everyone has a learner role. CLS is about "CLARITY: What matters most in learning, teaching and leading." This is the title of Lyn Sharratt's book which is the text for the Suite, and it is the underlying rationale for the CLS.
CLS is comprised of 12 modules each of which has between 2 and 8 sessions. Each session takes about an hour to complete. A Learning Leader will be determined for each learning group and that Learning Leader may determine the precise length of program for that learning group in collaboration with the group.
Your registration permits you to work on the program with your learning group for up to 2 calendar years. You can finish the work and return to refer to the web material you have made notes in, continue to work with Members you have met, or continue to have discussions with your team during that 2 years.
Those who have completed CLS in two years will become Learning Members. Following the two years, Learning Members will be eligible to register annually for the continuing Learning Member program of blogs, webinars, new study materials etc. that the CLS Team will provide to Learning Members only.
There is no limit to the number of staff who can register. Because CLS is an online professional learning suite for teachers and leaders, the group may determine the most opportune and effective time for PL. It maybe faculty, network, staff or system meeting times. In essence whatever works for this cohort of learners. The design of CLS allows for leaders and teachers to take control over the pace and implementation of their own PL. There are no replacement staff required, there are no travel costs associated with CLS.
CLS is a suite of learning opportunities rather than a course. The text is Lyn Sharratt's text "CLARITY: What matters most in learning teaching and leading" (Corwin, 2019). You can buy it through the ACEL website now or when you register for CLS. Every session will have readings from CLARITY, from the Resources tab of the Clarity Learning Suite site, and from elsewhere on the internet.
Every participant will require a laptop or tablet they can use to access the internet, on which they can write notes and reflections, and through which they can access other Members for rich discussion and sharing of their learning.