USQ Masters Credit Registration

Successful completion of all Modules and Sessions of the CLARITY Learning suite together with the completion of a Reflective Summary paper will provide you with one course credit within the Master of Education Program at the University of Southern Queensland.
This Masters course will be co-supervised by Tania Leach (UniSQ) and Lyn Sharratt (U of Toronto).
You may register for the Masters credit at any stage during the completion of the CLS.
If you then decide you would like to continue studying your Masters at UniSQ upon enrolment you submit your CLARITY Learning Suite credit certificate.
Master of Education (Educational Leadership)
- Identifiable Need
- System and School leaders as course participants must see the alignment and coherence among system direction, school improvement and quality assessment in K-12 classrooms
- Pedagogical Leadership
- Course participants will assume the ‘Learning Leader’ role and collaborate across contexts to ensure a deep understanding of quality classroom assessment that informs instruction
- Understanding Self and Others
- Course participants will be engaged in ongoing self-reflection and capacity-building by using data in their current role through self- and peer-reflection
- Avenues for reflection and feedback
- Course participants will complete an ongoing Reflective Journal and a Learning Log that lead to a final Reflective Essay which will provide a summary of their use of data, of their capacity building to teach and lead all students to growth and increased achievement, and of their collaborative skills to include all voices in their chosen online Professional Learning Community
Course Assessment Focus
Pass-Fail Assessment Option
Success Criteria for determining Pass/Fail
The completion of the CLS in a timely, insightful way will result in a ‘PASS’ grade. The Grade of ‘PASS’ will include a 5000-word essay which includes the above Guiding Principles and the following Success Criteria:
- Evidence of Synthesis of Key Leadership Elements
- Relevant articles are available in the Resources Tab and in each CLS Session the readings in preparation for the next session are completed
- Self-reflection on leadership articles is insightful and pertinent to course participants’ position and knowledge of leadership actions
- Evidence of justification and critical application of theory, content and practice
- Thoughtful integration of theory and practice reflects deep understanding of participants next steps in their learning and leadership actions taken
- Evidence of scholarly presentations, written communication skills, and use of technical academic conventions
- Written reflections demonstrate higher-order thinking, logical, sequential organization, related research journal articles and reflection on changed classroom practices as a leader
- Reflective journal submissions use the current APA Style Guide for referencing and bibliography development
- Communication of key principles and processes as a leader
- Leaders who are course participants can clearly articulate the guiding principles of an evidence-proven System and School improvement Framework (Sharratt & Fullan, 2012; Sharratt, 2019) and relate how they work and will be implemented in their settings
- Reflective Practice
- Designs discerning questions in a thoughtful organizer to get feedback and feed forward from colleagues for self-reflection
The Grade of ‘Fail’ will include limited, incomplete use of the above Success Criteria
About the University of Southern Queensland
The University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) has got you covered with over 110 industry-ready degrees. We are the online learning experts; with decades of experience delivering online learning, so in today’s ever-changing world you know you’ve got the support behind you to succeed. Studying on-campus at one of our three locations (Toowoomba, Springfield and Ipswich) is a rewarding way to undertake a university degree in an innovative and friendly environment. Or, you can join more than 70 per cent of our students who choose to study online with us. There is also the option to fast-track most degrees by studying over summer.
Read more about the UniSQ Master of Education (Educational Leadership) here.
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